
Welcome to the review section. Let us try to explain how we rate the books we read. First of all, our goal is to post books that we think you will want to read. That is why we made a play on the name The To Be Read List. With keeping that in mind, we are not going to waste our time or yours posting books that we either didn't like, or couldn't finish. It takes a tremendous amount of time to gather information and post these reviews, and it takes time from our families to put that negativity out in the world. We're just not going to do it. Below are explanations for three, four and five star books.

Spectacular, I couldn't put it down. I probably tried to sneak read it at my son's football game or in the car (which my husband hates!). I walked around the house for days thinking about it, writing the review in my head, and thinking about what the characters are doing now that the book is over. I have probably texted or PM'd friends, tried to engage my husband in a conversation or tried to contact the author about this book.

Great book, I enjoyed it, but some minor story element was off. We've all read a book like this, it is awesome, but just not perfect. You'd recommend it to everyone, and you always remember it, but you just can't give it that last star.

A three star book is a good book that I enjoyed reading. I would recommend it, things fit together well. But.... (didn't you feel the but coming?) A month later you don't really remember the whole story, the character names, how it ended. If someone asked me about it, I'd probably say "Oh, it was OK" I HATE giving a book three stars!!

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